Scientists closing in on ways to boost immune mechanisms of mollusks

Farmed mollusks are threatened with a number of diseases, but given that — unlike vertebrates — animals like mussels and clams don’t have antibodies or T or B cells to fight infection, coming up with health interventions has often proved elusive.

Untitled design Trained immunity in mollusks

Scientists closing in on ways to boost immune mechanisms of mollusks

Sound Science

PHQweb Seaweed 354574884

Seaweed supplements show promise as immunostimulants in aquaculture

Supplementing the diets of farmed fish with seaweeds or their extracts has “substantial positive impacts” on fish health, growth and survival, according to new analysis by scientists.

FHFweb Ctenolabrus rupestris orkney

Cleaner-fish health risks highlighted as use in aquaculture rises

Cleaner fish have proved an effective alternative method of sea louse control — but their widespread introduction brings with it a new threat of pathogens and parasites, and available treatments are falling short of requirements.