Algal oil shows promise as fish-oil substitute in feed for young salmon

Algal oil can replace fish oil in the feed of farmed Atlantic salmon parr without affecting their growth or ability to transition to seawater.

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Algal oil shows promise as fish-oil substitute in feed for young salmon


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New system to assess gill disease could help salmon producers

Gill disease in Atlantic salmon is caused by a number of pathogens and has different clinical and pathological signs. This means that to date, there has been no standardized methodology developed for field diagnosis, despite the fact that gill health issues are a growing concern for salmon producers in all the major salmon-producing nations.

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Submerged cages with air domes improve sea lice infestation but reduce welfare

Submerging Atlantic salmon sea cages with air domes can greatly reduce sea lice infestation levels, but this appears to come at a high cost.

Sea lice resistant salmon

The road to sea-lice-resistant Atlantic salmon

An interview with Diego Robledo, PhD, scientist in aquaculture genetics and genomics at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh.

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Non-medicinal delousing approaches cause damage to salmon gill tissue

New research shows that thermal and mechanical delousing techniques used in Atlantic salmon aquaculture can cause damage to gill tissue, though the health impacts of this on farmed fish remain unknown.

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Managing high-tech vaccination on Canada’s salmon farms

Demand for vaccination is ever-growing in the Canadian salmon industry, and the country’s producers have made a big shift toward mechanized approaches in getting the job done.

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New research on deltamethrin resistance could pave way for optimized sea lice treatment

New research on deltamethrin resistance in sea lice could help improve the effectiveness and reduce the costs of treating the global salmon industry’s “billion-dollar problem.”

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Genetic technologies helping breed disease-resistance traits in tilapia

Tilapia farming is catching up to the salmon industry in its application of selective breeding to improve resistance against key pathogens, according to a leading geneticist.

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Seeking a better understanding of complex gill disease in salmon

Researchers from Canada’s University of Prince Edward Island have received a CAD $4.7 million grant to develop an early warning system for complex gill disease on salmon farms, based on cutting-edge genetic sequencing techniques.