Wenchang seaside aquaculture farm in Hainan, China

Technological advances can improve sustainability in China’s diverse aquaculture industry

China is the largest aquaculture producer in the world — but in fish health interventions such as vaccines, it often lags behind Europe and the Americas.

Salmon farm by the bay of Cochamo, Los Lagos, Chile

Temperature and timing key to effective vaccination using ALPHA JECT LiVac® SRS

Temperature in the first days after vaccination is critical in ensuring that a live attenuated vaccine is effective against salmonid rickettsial septicemia (SRS), one of the main disease challenges in Chilean salmon aquaculture.

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Norwegian connection helps grow sustainable roots for Sub-Saharan aquaculture

Since 2014, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has been working in Sub-Saharan Africa to train the region’s next generation of aquaculture professionals on the key facets of fish-health management.

Huevos y larvas con saco vitelino recién nacidas de Salmón Atl

Artificial intelligence highlights which salmon eggs have the best chance of success

Software using artificial intelligence is set to help Atlantic salmon producers in Chile make better decisions about the chances of eggs developing successfully into healthy fish, reducing the productivity losses in early fish development which have significant effects on the aquaculture industry.

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How to reduce antibiotic use in Chile, the Americas’ salmon-production giant

Cutting antibiotic use is one of the major sustainability priorities in global food production, and while aquaculture has taken steps along this road, there’s still a long way to go.

Digby Salmon fishfarm pens and boats in fog at Annapolis Basin S

Ensuring elite disease management during challenging time for Canada’s salmon farms

Salmon farming in Canada is facing some unprecedented challenges, but there is no sign of the industry letting its guard down when it comes to disease prevention. 

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Agarose gel electrophoresis

Scientists delve into rising incidence of mycobacteriosis on Norwegian salmon farms

Cases of mycobacteriosis, a serious disease affecting Atlantic salmon predominantly related to Mycobacterium salmoniphilum infections, appear to be on the increase in Norway.

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Bringing aquaculture into mission to boost sustainable livestock production in Sub-Saharan Africa

An interview with Ben North, technical director, Global Commercial Development, Aquaculture Health

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Helping Mediterranean fish farmers quickly identify disease issues

An interview with Emre Berke, DVM, PhD, field technical support associate for PHARMAQ.

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Vaccine study offers new insight on Norway’s winter ulcer problem

In recent years, the Norwegian aquaculture industry has struggled against the rise of “variant” forms of Moritella viscosa, a bacterium which causes the disease winter ulcer in Atlantic salmon. This has led to concerns about the efficacy of existing vaccines against the pathogen.