FFFweb_Changing nutrition_Dan_sr cr

Dr. Daniel Merrifield from University of Plymouth, who leads a team which has published extensive work analyzing new feed ingredients and has helped the industry bring new products to market, shares his vision of a greener, more ethical future.

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Huevos y larvas con saco vitelino recién nacidas de Salmón Atl

Software using artificial intelligence is set to help Atlantic salmon producers in Chile make better decisions about the chances of eggs developing successfully into healthy fish, reducing the productivity losses in early fish development which have significant effects on the aquaculture industry.

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FHFweb Welfare Ashby 181614412

In the last decade, fish welfare has become a prominent driver of aquaculture operations. Angela Ashby, head of clinical services at PHARMAQ Analytiq, believes that the engagement of production staff in this area remains underappreciated.

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